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Advanced training programme on transnational families support
The Advanced training programme on transnational families support is a Grundtvig project addressed to people and organizations that work in the field of adult education, financed by European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme. The project’s aim is to improve welfare networks related to transnational families.
The idea of the project is to create a partnership within different European organizations working on migration and to offer new educational opportunities for the stakeholders available at European level. The organizations involved have different backgrounds and expertise; they also come from countries that experienced different typology of migration: Romania, Italy, Turkey, Portugal, France, Bulgaria and Poland.
The first phase of the project foreseen an in-depth country analysis of the existing stakeholders and their educational needs, transnational families support services, a recollection of data and sources of documentation and the production of national literary review.
For two years a group of EU experts will be travelling in Europe to meet stakeholders, to interview them and to share best practises during field visits and national meetings organized by each partner.
In the second phase of the project partners produce an Advanced Training Programme (ATP) organized in 8 modules:
psycho-social assistance to children left behind in country of origin,
parental functions exercise and psycho-social assistance to migrant parents,
caregivers capacity building,
role of school system into the dynamic of transnational family,
integrated support service in reunification process,
socio-economic inclusion of re-migrants,
long distance parenting in condition of severe distress,
financial education and social co development.
The Advanced Training Programme is tested on a pilot group of stakeholders to better define the effectiveness of the product and finally it is implemented by local authorities and educational organizations.
In this perspective Childrenleftbehind.ue webpage is a fundamental tool to disseminate project results through the network and an opportunity to strengthen the partnership.