21 Nov 2011

by Camilla Azzini

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso – OBC

Online news provider and research centre on the Balkans, Turkey and the Caucasus

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC) is an online news provider and research centre devoted to social and political change in South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus.

The OBC team, based in Rovereto (Italy), cooperates with a network of over 40 correspondents and local contributors to deliver online articles and in-depth analyses on these areas on a daily basis.

The OBC website links information, research and international cooperation.

Every month, over 100,000 readers visit the website: scholars and researchers; journalists; students; diplomats; local, regional and national government officials; policy makers; practitioners of development cooperation; business people; members of the diaspora from South-East Europe and the Caucasus; tourists and travellers; people generally interested in these areas.

Besides publishing online news, OBC produces documentary films and audiovisual material, and carries out research and training activities. The OBC team participates in university workshops and public events. All OBC products, the footage and papers of events can be found in the Multimedia, Our Products, Specials and OBC Events sections of the OBC website.

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso is engaged in the main social networks on the net, distributes all of its content with a copyleft license and employs open source technologies.

Learn more about OBC’s background, themes, documentaries and publications, patrons and donors downloading the Presentation.

For more information:


Piazza San Marco, 7

38068 ROVERETO (TN) – Italy

Telephone: +39 0464 424230

Fax: +39 0464 424299

Email: segreteria@balcanicaucaso.org