by Alessandra Pavani
About the conference
Fondazione L’Albero della Vita, in collaboration with Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti and Eurochild have the pleasure to announce the forthcoming event “Left Behind – The impact of economic migration on children left behind and their families”, which will take place in Brussels on 2 March 2011 (9.00-16.15).
The conference will address the issue of children left behind in the country of origin when parents move to another European country in search of employment. This phenomenon is still underestimated and often unknown even if it concerns approximately half million children in the EU.
The event will gather experts from across Europe to analyse the situation of transnational families in different European countries. It will address the causes and consequences of the migration, in particular the effects on children and their families both in the country of origin where the children are left behind, and in the parents’ country of destination.
The expert inputs will have a multi-dimension approach and combine policy analysis with relevant psychological and sociological research.
The event will involve representatives of national and local authorities from EU Member States, representatives of national and European NGOs, and academics.
The afternoon session is hosted in the European Parliament by Vice President MEP Roberta Angelilli and by MEP Rovana Plumb, Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
Please go to the registration area and reserve your place. Free event. Limited spaces. Book by 27 Febraury!
For any question or more information, contact Paola Panzeri, L’Albero della Vita EU Liaison Officer, at or phone: +32 2 203 22 25
Looking forward to meeting all interested and involved people in Brussels on 2 March!
The organization team at L’Albero della Vita EU Liason Office in Brussels
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